Test Cases for Payment Gateway Security Testing


ThreatsTest PageTest Name
An adversary can tamper with parameters in HTTP requests and responses to manipulate transactions
Pages between Merchant and Payment Gateway page
Tamper the amount value in request to Payment Gateway
Change the amount as well as its generated hash value with lesser amount and its corresponding hash value.
Change the quantity of the product to a higher value
check if amount value is encoded or encrypted. If encoded, decode the amount, change it and encode it again or replace it with lower value encoded amount.
Change the product (through product id or description) to a higher value product.
Is hash/integrity verification done only on limited parameters?
Any where in siteCheck if sensitive information is being disclosed in error page or source code.
An adversary can manipulate transactions made through a payment gateway
Pages before the payment gatewayChange the amount that is to be paid before the request hits the payment gateway.
Page/Request after the payment information is processed
Edit failed payment responses from the bank to that of a successful payment
Replay the response of a successful transaction
An adversary debits the amount from another user's account during the transactionPage appears after logging in to the Internet Banking accountChange the current account number to some other user's valid account number.
An adversary makes the payment using an incorrect Secure Code/3D Secure Code (or second-level authentication)Second-level authentication page(Secure Code/3D Secure Code or password page)Enter the Secure Code/3D Secure Code (or enter an incorrect password when asked) to complete the transaction.
An adversary makes payments without providing the Secure Code/3D Secure Code (or second-level authentication) for the transactionsPage Request after the payment information is processedTry to complete the transaction without entering the Secure Code/3D Secure Code (or password)
An adversary makes successful transactions using incorrect card details
Pages wherein card details like Card No.,PIN, Expiry date, etc. are entered
Enter the incorrect PIN number and submit the transaction.
Enter the incorrect expiry date and submit the transaction.
An adversary can steal sensitive information
Payment gateway pages
An adversary can steal sensitive information from browser cache.
Is SSL enabled? Try forcing the request over an unencrypted connection.
Back and Refresh attack.
Is Autocomplete = OFF?
An adversary can see sensitive information as cleartext in the browser memory.
Sensitive information is revealed through HTTP responses.
Pay PageCan CVV be seen as cleartext?
Anywhere in the applicationAn adversary can steal sensitive information from the browser history.
Test cases related to the SSL certificate
Payment gateway pages
An invalid SSL certificate is used.
An older version of SSL is used.
Weak SSL ciphers are used.
An adversary can perform Cross-Site ScriptingPayment gateway pagesMalicious scripts can be run on the client's machine using XSS.
Cookie attributes are not set
Payment gateway pages
The HTTPOnly attribute is not set.
The Path attribute is not set.
The Secure attribute is not set.
CAPTCHA can be bypassedPay PagesRemove the CAPTCHA parameter and value from the request.
Pages being accessed directlypay pageIs Pay Page being accessed directly?
An adversary can create transaction status response similar to the response generated by Payment Gateway.Anywhere in the pageIP Validation


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