Simulating SYN Flooding Attack(DOS)

 Basic 3 way TCP Handshake:

tcp 3 way handshakeState during Sync flooding attack

Performing a TCP SYN flood attack 

Example of DDOS attack with hping3  and kali linux:

Note:  In this case both attacker’s system and victim server are in same network .

Step#1: Victim server:

Step#2: Attacker’s system:

Step#3: Install hping3 in kali using below command

# sudo apt-get install hping3

Step#4: Now, attacker will use hping3 or another tool to spoof IP random addresses, The using below command start and direct the SYN flood attack to our target (

# hping3 -c 15000 -d 120 -S -w 64 -p 80 --flood --rand-source

Now SYN flooding attack has started.

Let’s explain in detail the above command:

-c 150000 : Indicates that we are sending 15000 packets

-d 120 : Indicates each packet is of 120 bytes

-S : Specifying SYN flag should be enabled.

-w 64: Indicates TCP window size of 64

-p 80: Specifying port to attack victims webserver at port 80

--rand-source: Used to generate spoofed IP address to avoid detection and same time stops the victim’s SYN-ACK reply packets from reaching attacker system i.e (


To verify the attack is successful we run wireshark for analysis.

Step#5: From the below screenshot of wireshark running in attacker system we can conclude that lots SYN packets are sent to in very less time.

Step#6: Similarly, From the below screenshot of wireshark running in victim server we can conclude that lots SYN and ACK packets are sent from (victim server) to different IP distributions in very less time. Which confirms successful SYN Flooding Attack.

Note: In search tab of wireshark enter tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 1 so that only responses with SYN and ACK are filtered.

Step#7: Results can be better viewed by wireshark IO Graph as below. The I/O graph can be found via the Statistics>I/O Graph menu. 


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