SAML Security Test Cases
Signature Exclusion Attack -Test whether or not the SP accepts an Assertion without a Signature Signature Spoofing attack -Test whether SP accepts fake signature or using previously generated/invalid signature Signature Wrapping Attack (8 Different Ways)-Test whether or not the SP is susceptible to Signature Wrapping XML Injection -Test if can inject malicious code into the SAML response from IDP, allowing them to execute arbitrary code on the SP server. XML Entity Expansion (XEE)/XXE -Test whether or not the SP is vulnerable to XML External Entities Replay attacks -Test if previously generated SAML response from IDP can be accepted by SP Certificate Faking/Self signed certificate -Test whether or not the SP verifies that the Assertion came from a trusted IDP/Test if SP accepts self-signed certificate XSLT Injection -Test whether or not the SP is vulnerable to XSLT Predictable signature -Test whether IDP generating guessable signature SAML message expiration -Test whether SP acc...